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Киборги и Чародеи

Снаряжение - базовые алхимические предметы | E5E

Автор: Антон «Palant» Палихов
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Дата версии: 28.05.2022

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Onedrive: E5E - EQUIPMENT - ALCHEMICAL ITEMS BASIC REV02 28052022.docx

Если вам есть что добавить, есть идеи или комментарии - пишите в комментариях или у нас на сервере дискорда.

В этом разделе представлены наиболее часто встречающиеся предметы, созданные при помощи алхимии.

Важно! Как и в случае с другими категориями, возможно, что некоторые предметы будут описаны сразу в нескольких категориях. Например, тубус для свитков.

Alchemy or Magic?

Several skills and feats blur the line between the fantastic powers of magic and what exists in the real world. The Alchemy skill exists on this border between the mundane and the magical. Alchemical items must provide a wide variety of quasi-magical effects without duplicating or weakening the effects of magical abilities.

Here are some guidelines to use when creating new alchemical items:

Alchemical items can induce a temporary state such as shaken or dazzled in a single creature, but it takes a magical effect to force such a state on many creatures or induce a state permanently.

Alchemical items can deal a small amount of damage to a single target. The amount of damage can be increased slightly if the substance affects only a small subset of creatures.

Alchemical items can impart a temporary property to a mundane item.

Alchemical items can temporarily mitigate the effects of an existing condition (such as fatigue) or help resist an impending one (such as antitoxin).

Most importantly, alchemical items shouldn’t duplicate a spell effect, affect a large area, or impart a permanent benefit. Nor should they mimic the effect of an existing magic item. Prices for alchemical items should always be balanced against the damage potential and protective benefits of similar magic items.

Tools for alchemy

Profession: alchemist.

Characters proficient in this Tool Proficiency are trained alchemists, capable of using the ingredients, tools, and techniques in the creation of alchemical goods. A set of alchemist’s supplies fits into a satchel of moderate size, and consists of a variety of alchemical tools: flasks, alembics, crucibles, and a small journal containing the alchemist’s recipes.

Skills synergy

Arcana. Proficiency with alchemist’s supplies allows you to unlock more information on Arcana checks involving potions and similar materials.

Investigation. When you inspect an area for clues, proficiency with alchemist’s supplies grants additional insight into any chemicals or other substances that might have been used in the area.

Alchemist’s Supplies. Alchemist’s supplies enable a character to produce useful concoctions, such as acid or alchemist’s fire.

Components. Alchemist’s supplies include two glass beakers, a metal frame to hold a beaker in place over an open flame, a glass stirring rod, a small mortar and pestle, and a pouch of common alchemical ingredients, including salt, powdered iron, and purified water.

Alchemical Crafting. You can use this tool proficiency to create alchemical items. A character can spend money to collect raw materials, which weigh 1 pound for every 50 gp spent. The GM can allow a character to make a check using the indicated skill with advantage. As part of a long rest, you can use alchemist’s supplies to make one dose of acid, alchemist’s fire, antitoxin, oil, perfume, or soap. Subtract half the value of the created item from the total gp worth of raw materials you are carrying.

Alchemist’s Supplies

Create a puff of thick smoke10
Identify a poison10+2*rarity
Identify a substance15+2*rarity
Start a fire15
Neutralize acid20

Alchemy Lab. Cost: 500gp (3 slots), +100 gp per additional slot. An alchemy lab is a much larger workspace than a simple set of supplies. Where alchemist’s supplies can only be used to work on a single project at a time, the purpose of a lab is to allow multiple processes to work at the same time. Each slot allows an alchemist to tend to a single project, performing the standard 5gp worth of work towards the completion of that alchemical item for each slot. An alchemist can tend to a number of such slots equal to 1 + their proficiency bonus. Multiple slots can also be dedicated to a single project, devoting more resources to the project in question. For each slot dedicated to a given item, 5gp of work is done per day towards that item being completed. Thus, if an alchemist devotes three slots toward finishing a potion of climbing, they accomplish 15gp per day of crafting toward that end.

Setting up an alchemical lab requires space to do so. If the character’s Lifestyle does not provide multiple rooms for their living situation, the character must either find a space to do this or upgrade their Lifestyle so that it does. Generally speaking, a Comfortable Lifestyle is sufficient to provide the room needed for a lab setup.

Alchemists with large labs frequently employ apprentices to help tend to the extra projects “on the fire” (as it were).

Athanor. Cost: 30gp. An athanor is a specialized piece of equipment. An alchemist can use an athanor with his alchemist’s supplies, or if set up in an alchemical lab, an athanor takes up a single slot. Each athanor is dedicated to a single alchemical item, and takes one day to set up and properly calibrate. Once this is done, though, each day of work using an athanor in the creation of the proper item provides 15gp worth of work per day, rather than the standard 5gp.

Alembic. Cost: 50 gp (lesser), 75gp (greater). An alembic allows an alchemist to work on larger amounts of alchemical goods at once - the amount of effort that goes into brewing a single batch can be doubled (with a lesser alembic) or even tripled (with a greater alembic). The standard materials cost must still be paid for all the items being created - work on one item is work on all of them thanks to the alembic’s function. An alembic takes up on alchemical lab slot, but it can be added to the same slot already occupied by an athanor, allowing the alchemist to not only work on two or three items at the same time, but to do so at the increased speed provided by the athanor. This process is fraught with peril, however, and requires a DC 15 alchemical supplies check, with failure ruining all of the work and wasting the materials invested.

Metallurgical Crucible. Cost: 150 gp. Though smaller, less intense crucibles are used in every alchemist’s kit and lab, the metallurgical crucible is particularly hefty, capable of generating and handling the prolonged heat necessary in the creation of alchemical alloys and refinements, such as orichalc and alchemist’s steel. A metallurgical crucible can only be added to a lab, and provides an additional slot that can only be used for the creation of those metals whose description notes that they require one.

Alchemical Reagant Set. Cost: 40 gp. This kit of alchemical reagants is used to test the properties of items and objects you might find in a dungeon.

It includes three spoons, lead, silver, and aluminum, nine glass vials; two are empty, the other seven are filled with filled with Purple Flan (a living slime not dissimilar to slime molds and ochre jelly), gold dust, mummy dust, granite dust, residuum (without it the kit is worth 10 gp), acid, and ammonia.

If you have proficiency with an alchemical reagant set, you can use an action, to pour a portion of a vial (each having enough for three doses) on a targeted item to determine its properties.

Purple Flan reacts to magical items, seeming to boil when touching a non-cursed one but withering away upon touching a cursed one. It will consume small amounts of potion and be subject to its effects.

Residuum reacts to magic in general, being attracted to already cast spells and to enchanted items.

Gold dust is unreactive in general, and is generally used to detect the presence of negative magical effects, as it will only corrode in their presence.

Mummy dust evaporates into smoke when exposed to positive energy, and seems to grow upon exposure to negative energy.

Granite Dust is attracted to oil and wet surfaces and can be used to dust for fingerprints or detect moisture.

Acid and ammonia are used to test the general pH of materials.

Using alchemy tools

Alchemical Refinement: Alchemical procedures are reliable and steady for the trained alchemist. Generally speaking, an alchemist almost never needs to make an actual Tool Proficiency check to successfully create items - it is enough to permit the allotted time to pass and spend the coin on the materials. Sometimes, though, an alchemist needs to hurry along a procedure, necessitating alchemical refinement.

By making an Alchemist’s Supplies check, the alchemist can speed the process along, multiplying each day invested towards accomplishing the final results of an alchemical recipe. The alchemist makes an Alchemist’s Supplies check, at the following DCs, based on the type of alchemical good being created. Each such check also incurs an additional cost in materials, which do not count toward the completion of the procedure.


Container for alchemical goodsCost, gpTypical full weight, lb


Алхимические предметы сгруппированы по группам создания и применения. Не все группы являю

ELIXIRS. Similar in some ways to magical potions, alchemical elixirs sadly do not have the virtues of magic to smooth over the stomach-churning potential inherent in some of its ingredients. A creature may consume a single elixir safely. If they consume a second elixir before performing a long rest, they must make a DC 12 Constitution save or gain the Poisoned condition until they take a long rest. This DC increases by +2 per additional elixir consumed.

EJECTIVES. Ejectives are alchemical items specially designed to burst and spread their contents onto a targeted creature or area. Ranged attack items (and occasionally melee attack items) are treated as attacks with improvised weapons that possess the Finesse quality. Area attack items affect an area, and those in that area are usually granted a saving throw to escape the effects of the ejective in question. Some are neither, though simply moving out of the area is sufficient to escape its effects in such a case.

HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Despite the name, these items are far from found in every household. The fact is that they are simply too expensive for even the average household to have them — only the very wealthy can afford these goods. It is not uncommon for one or two of these items to be found in some households, though, as their effectiveness in performing certain tasks is considered well worth the price paid.

INKS. Though the most common inks are still those made from plant and animal substances, alchemical inks are the preferred medium for the recording of archives and long-lasting records, for their colors do not fade with the passage of time. They also never dry out, so long as the bottle is always recapped after use.

OINTMENTS & OILS. Generally speaking, these items are topical — that is, they are applied to the surface of the intended target, whether that is the outside of an item or the skin of a person.


У части предметов представленных в Книге Игрока уменьшена стоимость и немного изменены свойства.

Так кислота и алхимический огонь не считаются импровизированным оружием, а являются метательным простым оружием, которое к тому же наносит площадной урон.


To the average folk, alchemy is an excellent art that produces a wide array of useful items, from nearly magical refinements of metals to fine household cleaners to beneficial elixirs and ointments.

Rarity. Alchemical goods are given a Rarity rating, just like magic items are. Generally speaking, those with a higher rarity are harder to find. All alchemists begin their craft knowing all Common, four Uncommon, and a single Rare recipe, though it is only a matter of time before an alchemist collects many more recipes.

Item NameCost, gpWeight, lb
Acid Neutralizer501
Alchemical compass4500
Alchemical Dye50
Alchemical Glue100
Alchemical Ink, Black80
Alchemical Ink, Colors150
Alchemical Ink, Metallics250
Alchemical Salt150
Alchemical Silver Treatment25
Alchemist’s Doom501
Alchemist’s fire201
Anti-Rust Treatment200
Aqua Salutem600
Astutive Elixir500
Cleaning Agents10
Clearwater Solution40
Cognitive Elixir500
Darkeye Oil150
Darkvision powder101 oz.
Drunkard’s Head Remedy
Dwarfblind501 lb.
Emetic Elixir20
Everburning torch1101
Eye cusps500
Faerie Burst400
Fareye Oil250
Fascinative Elixir500
Fire Ward Gel1501
Firecracker Ammunition40
Flash Pellet500
Flash Rocket401
Ghostoil501 lb.
Gravebane501 lb.
Gruel Pellet200
Hawk’s Ointment200
Hawk’s Ointment200
Instant Rope251 lb.
Invigorative Elixir500
Keenear Powder200
Pain Relief Elixir50
Phantom Ink300
Reflexitive Elixir500
Salamander Salve500
Silver Treatment500
Skunk Cloud500
Sleep Aid Elixir10
Smokestick, Ratsbane100
Smokestick, Witchweed400
Softfoot Treatment120
Spark Gravel200
Spell Ink150
Stonebreaker Acid300
Storm Salve00
Tangleburn Bag755
Tanglefoot bag500
Tangler grenade1001
Torch, Alchemical01
Torch, Signal11
Vicious Bleeder5011

Acid (flask). This corrosive liquid can burn through flesh and inanimate materials alike. As an action, you can splash the contents of this vial onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw the vial up to 40 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the acid as a simple weapon with thrown (20/40) property. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 acid damage. Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the acid hits takes 1 acid damage from the splash.

Alchemical Compass. Always points north

Alchemical Silver Treatment. Uncommon • 50 gp per jar (5 doses). This is a viscous oil that glitters like liquid silver. The treatment must be applied during a short rest. This application makes the weapon effective against monsters that have immunity or resistance to non-silver weapons. The application to ammunition lasts for 1 minute, after which the oil dries out and the applied compound crumbles away to dust. Applied to a melee weapon, the application is used up at the third successful strike, or after 1 minute, whichever occurs first. A small jar comes with enough for 5 applications (1 for a weapon).

Alchemist’s fire (flask). This sticky, adhesive fluid ignites when exposed to air. As an action, you can throw this flask up to 40 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the alchemist’s fire as a simple weapon with thrown (20/40) property. On a hit, the target takes 2(1d4) fire damage at the start of each of its turns. Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the flask hits takes 1 fire damage from the splash. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a DC 10 Dexterity ability check to extinguish the flames.

Alchemist’s Doom. This sticky, adhesive fluid ignites when exposed to air. As an action, you can throw this flask up to 40 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the alchemist’s doom as a simple weapon with thrown (20/40) property. On a hit, the target takes 7 (2d6) fire damage at the start of each of its turns. Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the flask hits takes 1d4 fire damage from the splash. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a DC 13 Dexterity ability check to extinguish the flames.

Anti-Rust Treatment. Uncommon • 20 gp per jar (5 doses). This waxy substance is rubbed into a metal object. For one tenday, it is immune to rust, including magical ones (however, such effects do eliminate the treatment entirely, rendering it vulnerable against a second strike). The treatment to apply it is fairly involved and must be applied during a short rest. A small jar comes with enough for 5 applications (1 for a weapon or light armor, 2 for medium or heavy armor, 4 for barding)

Antitoxin (vial). A mixture of common antidotes and treated charcoal designed to counteract a wide variety of toxins. Consuming this substance gives you advantage on saving throws against poisons for 1 hour. It confers no benefits to undead or constructs.

Bladefire. Similar to alchemist’s fire but less volatile, this thick, adhesive liquid ignites when exposed to air. Bladefire is typically poured along the length of a bladed weapon, causing the weapon to burn for a short period of time. A weapon treated with bladefire burns for 2d6 rounds. While burning, the weapon sheds light as a torch. A weapon treated with bladefire deals 1d4 additional point of fire damage with each successful hit. Bladefire is thick enough that once applied, it does not flow down the weapon, preventing it from harming the user. Each round that bladefire burns, it also deals 1 point of fire damage to the weapon that it coats, but most weapons have sufficient hardness to ignore this damage. Wooden weapons coated with bladefire ignite, however, taking 1d6 points of fire damage each round until extinguished. Setting flammable items alight requires more contact than just an attack.

Blastpatch. These granular blue crystals pack a powerful punch.The crystals can be spread on the ground in a 5-foot square patch. Any creature that moves through the area grinds crystals together causing a series of small ignitions. This creates a burst of light that is visible for quite some distance in the dark and inflicts 1 point of fire damage on the creature. Once an affected patch has triggered three times, there are insufficient crystals remaining for any effect.

Catstink. A dose of this alchemical compound sprinkled on your trail temporarily confuses the scent ability of any creature. Any creature using scent to track you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) ability check or lose your trail. If the trail is lost, the creature can attempt to relocate it using the normal rules for tracking, but the check DC increases by 2. The odor of catstink remains in effect for 10 minutes after the substance is used. Sprinkling catstink on one’s trail is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

Clearbreath. This vial of gray smoke temporarily dulls the sense of smell when someone inhales the contents through the nose. Clearbreath provides a +4 bonus on Constitution saving throws made to resist unpleasant odors (such as a troglodyte’s stench). The effects of clearbreath last for 1 hour.

Clearwater Solution. These tiny, clear crystals come in a glass vial. A dose dissolves in a container of up to 10 gallons of liquid. After 1 minute, the solution removes any mundane poison or disease that taints the liquid. This has no effect on liquids that are themselves pure affected by a poison or disease. If dissolved into a container holding more than 10 gallons, the substance has no effect.

Darkeye Oil. Uncommon • 15 gp per bottle (5 doses). Sold in small glass bottles with thin glass applicator wands, darkeye oil is dropped directly into the eyes. After one round of blindness, the user’s sensitivity to light is reversed: they can see in complete darkness, while areas of dim light are considered lightly obscured, and areas of full light are heavily obscured. Exposure to full daylight while these drops are in effect can inflict the Blinded condition if the user fails a DC 16 Dexterity save. The drops last for one hour, and if the character is blinded during that time, the blindness lasts for the full duration of the drops. Some alchemists also sell an oil that will counteract these drops, for 20 gp per bottle.

Darkvision Powder. This plain gray powder is unassuming; it can’t be seen with normal vision from more than 10 feet away When viewed with darkvision, however, it glows brightly. Creatures that have dark¬vision commonly use this powder to write messages that other creatures cannot read. Each vial contains enough powder for a reasonably lengthy sentence.

Dwarfblind. Dwarfblind stones are small stones treated with alchemical substances, giving them a faint purple sheen. You can throw a dwarfblind stone as a grenadelike weapon. When it strikes a hard surface, it releases a burst of violet light. The light illuminates a 20-foot-wide area for an instant and temporarily inter¬feres with the darkvision of those caught in its effects. Creatures within a 10-foot radius of the stone’s impact point must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity save or lose their darkvision ability for 10 minutes. Dwarfblind has no effect on normal vision.

Everburning torch. This otherwise normal torch has a continual flame spell cast upon it. An everburning torch clearly illuminates a 20-foot radius and provides shadowy illumination out to a 40-foot radius.

Fareye Oil. When applied to the eyes, this clear oil sharpens the user’s vision for a short time, providing a +2 bonus on Wisdom (Perception) ability checks for 1 minute. One dose of fareye oil is enough to affect the eyes of a creature of any size, but the creature must have eyes to gain any benefit from the oil.

Firecracker Ammunition. This ammunition is tipped with a volatile alchemical compound. On striking a hard surface, it explodes creating a flash of light and loud crack audible out to 100 feet.

Flash Pellet. This tiny brittle object is often disguised as a button or other decoration. You can throw a flash pellet as a ranged attack with a range increment of 5 feet. When thrown against a hard surface, it bursts with a bright flash of light. All creatures within a 5-foot-radius burst must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution save or be blinded for 1 round and dazzled for 1 round after that.

Flash Rocket. This cylinder contains a large firework designed to fire out one end. The device can be held by hand or propped in place when used.One round after lighting this device, a chemical reaction propels a missile from its containing tube. The rocket shoots forward up to 100 feet, where it bursts in a brilliant flare accompanied by a bang audible within 300 feet. Flash rockets are typically fired into the air to create a signal visible at a great distance. Each is manufactured to flare with a specific color for this purpose.A rocket can instead be used as an improvised weapon with a range of 100 feet. If you make a ranged attack with a rocket and hit, it deals 1d4 fire damage and may ignite flammable substances. A “repeating” version of this device is available for the same cost. It fires 1 missile each round for 6 rounds, but with a range of only 30 feet.

Ghostoil. This clear oil has a slight tint of gray, and strange, wispy forms seem to swirl through it. When applied to a weapon, ghostoil allows it to affect incorporeal creatures normally for the next 5 rounds. One flask of ghostoil contains enough liquid to coat one weapon of Large size or smaller.

Gluebomb. This unique explosive can be primed and thrown up to 30 feet as an action. It explodes on impact. Creatures within 20 feet of it must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained for 1 minute. A restrained creature can make a DC 12 Strength check as an action, escaping on a success.

**Gravebane.**This thick white liquid evaporates almost instantly upon contact with air, creating a thin, nearly invisible smoke. The smoke is nearly odorless, and is has no effect on most creatures. Undead, however, are repulsed by the smoke and can only pass through it with an effort of will. When opened (usu¬ally by throwing it on the ground), a flask of grave¬bane fills a 5-foot-square area with smoke. Undead cannot enter an area filled with gravebane smoke unless they succeed on a Wisdom save (DC 13). Undead can attack into a gravebane-filled area normally as long as they don’t enter the area to do so. Gravebane ordinarily lasts for 1 minute, although strong winds may decrease this duration.

Hawk’s Ointment. This thick, acidic gel temporar¬ily sharpens the user’s vision. Once its beneficial effects wear off, however, the gel burns and stings the eyes for a few minutes. After spreading the gel over her eyes, a character gains a +2 bonus on Investigation and Perception checks for 2 minutes. After the duration expires, she takes a -2 penalty on Investigation and Perception checks for 10 minutes. Characters who spend a round washing out their eyes with clean water halve the duration of the penalty.

Instant Rope. When poured from a flask, this viscous gray liquid forms into a long cord usable as a temporary rope. Upon being exposed to air, the liquid rapidly increases in both volume and viscosity, swelling to the diameter of a typical hemp rope, then quickly drying. A flask of instant rope forms a 30- foot-long cord; it takes 2 rounds for it to solidify and dry enough to be used. The instant rope can be moved during this period without damaging it, but it cannot support more than 10 pounds of weight without breaking. Once completely dry, instant rope can support as much weight as normal hemp rope. After an hour, instant rope becomes too brittle to support any weight and quickly crumbles into dust.

Keenear Powder. This dry white powder sharpens a creature’s hearing when applied to the ear. The powder is effective for only a short time, so it is more often used by those trying to avoid guards or sentries than by those tasked with guarding an area for a longer time. Keenear powder provides a +2 bonus on Perception checks for 1 minute. One dose of keenear powder is enough to affect the hearing of a creature of any size, but the creature must have ears to gain any benefit from the powder.

Lockslip Grease. Lockslip grease is a thick reddish oil that loosens the mechanical workings of nonmagical locks. The grease is effective for a short time and provides a slight edge to those attempting to pick a lock. Lockslip grease provides a +1 bonus on ability checks made to open locks against the affected lock for 1 minute. One dose of lockslip grease is enough to affect the mechanism of a lock of any size. Although lockslip grease can affect any kind of mundane mechanical lock, it has no effect on magic locks.

Longbreath. This thick, brown-tinted smoke is a great boon to anyone who needs to go without air for more than a few rounds. For 10 minutes following consumption of this liquid, you can hold your breath for twice as long as normal. Even when out of breath, double the number of rounds you can survive while suffocating.

Motelight. This flask contains a clear liquid filled with faintly glowing sparks of light. You can throw a flask of motelight as a grenadelike weapon. When it strikes a hard surface, a flask of motelight creates a small area filled with rapidly moving sparks. The sparks are distracting, but they cause no damage. Creatures within a 5-foot radius attempting to cast a spell must succeed on a Concentration Saving Throw (DC 5 + spell level) or lose the spell. If the caster must make a Concentration check for another reason, the mote¬light applies no additional penalty

Plague Mask. This mask covers the nose and mouth with a filtering layer of medicinal herbs. These provide a pleasant aroma to mask the miasmic stench of plague. A plague mask also covers the eyes with a set of clear glass lenses.A plague mask gives you advantage to all saving throws to resist diseases that are airborne or that enter your body through the mouth, nose, or eyes. It has no effect on diseases contracted through injuries or by contact with the skin.

Salamander Salve. Rare • 50 gp per jar (10 doses). This oily black tar-like substance is rubbed onto a metal surface. When fire is touched to it, it catches on fire for one minute or until the salve is rubbed away. If applied to a weapon, the weapon inflicts fire damage for a single strike; other items inflict 1d4 fire damage to those that come into contact with them. It takes an action to apply the salve, and the weapon cannot be resheathed without rubbing the salve away. It takes a bonus action to set alight the weapon, or an incidental if the wielder is adjacent to an open flame. A small jar comes with enough for 10 applications.

Smoke Bomb. You can use a smoke bomb as part of the Hide action. You light the bomb, throw it to the ground at your feet, and it explodes in a flash, releasing a 10-foot cube of colored smoke, which allows you to hide from creatures that could see you clearly before you used the smoke bomb. The smoke from the bomb lasts until the end of your next turn.

Smokestick. This tiny rod of alchemical substances smokes furiously when lit or thrown into a fire. This item creates a 5-foot radius sphere of smoke that spreads around corners and heavily obscures the area. It lasts for 1 minute. A wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the smoke until the wind stops. Extinguishing the flaming stick ends the effect prematurely. Smokesticks can be manufactured to emit smoke of specific colors, useful for signaling.

Softfoot Treatment. Uncommon • 12 gp per bottle (5 doses). This oil is rubbed into the soles of boots or shoes, softening the material and muffling any sounds it might normally make. This inflicts a -1d4 penalty to all Wisdom (Perception) checks to hear the one sneaking about. Unfortunately, continual use of this oil can rapidly degrade the soles of a pair of footwear.

Sparkstone. These alchemical devices actually resemble fist-sized lumps of hard, gray clay. You can throw a sparkstone as a grenadelike weapon. When a sparkstone hits a target, it releases a short, violent arc of electricity. A direct hit by a sparkstone deals 1d6 points of electricity damage. If there is another crea¬ture within 5 feet of the target, the electricity arcs to that creature, dealing half of the initial damage. The sparkstone only creates one secondary arc, so if more than one creature is within 5 feet of the target, roll randomly to see which creature is affected. If no crea¬tures are within 5 feet of the target, the sparkstone causes no secondary effect.

Stinkbomb. This smelly explosive can be primed and thrown up to 30 feet as an action. It explodes at the start of your next turn. Creatures within 20 feet of it must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. A creature can repeat this save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Stonebreaker Acid. This special form of acid affects only stone. You can throw stonebreaker acid as a grenadelike weapon. Acid ordinarily deals half damage to objects. A direct hit on a stone surface ignores hardness and deals 3d10 points of damage. On the round after a direct hit, stonebreaker acid deals a further 2d10 points of damage.

Storm Salve. Rare • 50 gp per jar (10 doses). This coppery substance is rubbed onto a metal surface. When it strikes metal, small arcs of electricity begin to arc around the object. Weapons inflict lightning damage for a single strike; other items inflict 1d4 lightning damage to those who come in contact with the salve-treated surface. It takes an action to apply the salve, and the weapon cannot be resheathed without rubbing the salve away. It takes a bonus action to set the weapon sparking, or an incidental if the wielder is adjacent to a large steel object. A small jar comes with enough for 10 applications.

Sunrod. This 1-foot-long, gold-tipped, iron rod glows brightly when struck. It clearly illuminates a 30-foot radius and provides shadowy illumination in a 60-foot radius. It glows for 6 hours, after which the gold tip is burned out and worthless.

Suregrip. Uncommon • 20gp per jar (5 doses). This tacky substance is applied to the hands (and sometimes feet) in order to provide a better grip. It grants advantage on checks improved by a tighter grip, such as climbing and balance checks, as well as grappling and saves against being disarmed. A single application lasts for one hour.

Tanglefoot bag. When you throw a tanglefoot bag at a creature using it as thrown simple weapon with normal range 15 ft and maximum range 45 ft. Target must succeed on Dexterity saving throw with DC equal to 8+your proficiency modifier+ Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice) or the bag comes apart and the goo bursts out, entangling the target and then becoming tough and resilient upon exposure to air. If range is more then 15 ft this saving throw made with advantage. An entangled creature takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and a -4 penalty to Dexterity and must succed another DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be glued to the floor, unable to move. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half speed. Huge or larger creatures are unaffected by a tanglefoot bag. A flying creature is not stuck to the floor, but it must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be unable to fly (assuming it uses its wings to fly) and fall to the ground. A tanglefoot bag does not function underwater. A creature that is glued to the floor (or unable to fly) can break free by making a DC 13 Strength ability check or by dealing 15 slashing damage to the goo. A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature assisting, does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the goo is automatic, after which the creature that hit makes a damage roll to see how much of the goo was scraped off. Once free, the creature can move (including flying) at half speed. A character capable of spellcasting who is bound by the goo must make a DC 13 Concentration saving throw to cast a spell. The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 2d4 rounds, cracking apart and losing its effectiveness. An application of universal solvent to a stuck creature dissolves the alchemical goo immediately.

Tangler grenade. A tangler grenade is an alchemical, nonmagical item with an ovoid resin shell that shatters on impact. An as action, a creature can throw a tangler grenade at a point up to 60 feet away. Each creature within 10 feet of a shattered tangler grenade must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained by sticky white webs. As an action, a creature can try to free itself or another creature within its reach from the webs, doing so with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check. A gallon of alcohol dissolves the webs produced by a single tangler grenade. Otherwise, the webs dissolve on their own after 1 hour, freeing any creatures restrained by them.

Thunderstone. You can throw this stone as a ranged attack with a range increment of 20 feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it creates a deafening bang that is treated as a sonic attack. Each creature within a 10-foot-radius spread must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be deafened for 1 hour.

Tindertwig. A tindertwig is simply a hardened paste on the end of a tiny stick. It ignites when scraped against a rough surface. A tindertwig stays lit for 2 rounds, shedding dim light in a 5-foot radius. It is typically used for lighting things on fire. Lighting a torch, lamp, or lantern with a tindertwig requires only a bonus action. It is more reliable than a tinderbox for lighting substances in the presence of wind or rain.

Torch, Alchemical. An alchemical torch looks like any other torch until lit. The torch burns for 3 hours, providing bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. If you make a melee attack with a burning alchemical torch and hit, it deals 1d4 fire damage. An alchemical torch is not disrupted by wind or water; it functions even if submerged, though its light ranges are halved. An alchemical torch can be extinguished by smothering it with dirt or similar material for 1 minute.

Torch, Signal. These simple items are normal torches treated with a variety of alchemical sub¬stances to color the flames. Signal torches each burn with a differently colored flame. They are available in a variety of colors, the most common being green, blue, and yellow.

Verminbane. This tightly sealed flask contains a pale green smoke. When released into the air, the smoke fills a 5-foot-square area. Most creatures are unaffected by the smoke, although humanoids generally find the smell unpleasant. Vermin, however, find the smoke almost intolerable. To pass through an area filled with verminbane, vermin must succeed on a Constituion save (DC 13). Verminbane lasts for 1 minute, although strong winds may decrease this duration.

Vicious Bleeder. This thick blue gel is a powerful anticoagulant. A wound caused by a weapon coated with vicious bleeder continues to bleed for 2 rounds, dealing 1 additional point of damage on beginning of each of those rounds. Once applied to a weapon, vicious bleeder lasts for 1 minute before it evaporates. One flask of vicious bleeder contains enough to coat one weapon of size Large or smaller. Vicious bleeder does not affect constructs, elementals, oozes, outsiders, or undead.

Weaponblack. This oily substance comes in small vials or jars. Such vials could potentially be mistaken for potions (consumption causes 1d10 points of damage). Weaponblack is used to smear the surfaces of weapons and metal armor to coat them with a pasty, matte black finish, rendering them nearly invisible in darkness. After a typical melee, the weaponblack will be wiped from most of the blade from its heavy use. The weapon must be blackened again if de­sired. Armor will need its black coating touched up following a melee. A jar of weaponblack contains enough ma­terial to coat one full set of plate armor, two sets of scale mail, or three sets of chain mail. The same size jar can coat a long sword 10-12 times.

Whistling Box. This tiny box has a fuse that, when lit, can create a big distraction. One round after lighting the fuse, the chemicals within create a gas that expands violently, creating an ear-splitting, osculating whistle as it exits the contraption’s narrow holes. The sound persists for 1 minute and can easily be heard up to 500 feet away.

Alchemical Ink (black, non-fading). Common • 8 gp per bottle. Though not all inks are wrought by alchemy, alchemy provides the finest inks that do not fade or flake over time. A single bottle is useful for the writing of hundreds of pages worth of writing.

Alchemical Ink (colors, non-fading). Uncommon • 15 gp per bottle. Like black alchemical ink, these inks will not fade or flake away over time, and retain their bright luster for centuries. Each core color (white, blue, red, yellow, orange, purple, green, brown, and gray) is a different recipe, but an alchemist can mix up all manner of hues and shade variants of that color once they know the recipe.

Alchemical Ink (metallics, non-fading). Uncommon • 25 gp per bottle. Like black alchemical ink, these inks will not fade or flake away over time. Each color of ink is a different recipe (gold, silver, copper, bronze being the most common).

Phantom Ink. Uncommon • 30 gp per bottle. Phantom inks disappear from the page once they are completely dry, and can be brought back to the page only by treating them with a specific technique or ingredient. Each recipe has its own span of time (1d10 rounds, minutes, or hours after writing) and means of making the writing visible again (heat, citrus acid, cold, candle smoke, magical illumination, light of sun or moon, blood, or simply never).

Spell Inks. Rare • 50 gp per unit. These are the rare and precious inks used to scribe spells into spellbooks. Scribing a spell into a spellbook takes on unit of spell inks per level of the spell to be copied.

Tangleburn Bag. This sack contains tanglefoot bag materials and alchemical powders that burn at a high temperature. It functions like a tanglefoot bag, plus whatever you hit with the attack takes 1d6 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a Dexterity check to extinguish the flames. The DC is 20 for the first 2 rounds, and then becomes 10 for the rest of the fire’s duration. For the first 2 rounds, applying water to the target causes the flames to burst burning material; each creature or object within a 5-foot radius sphere (including the target) takes 1d6 fire damage. After the initial 2 rounds, the flames may be extinguished as normal.

Substances types

Philter. In short, drinking a philter can affect a person’s Charisma or simply change her scent or the oils on his skin to influence the reactions of animal* and other people. Thicker than some other ingestibles. philters are placed in specially treated leathern bags and the philter is sucked and squeezed out of the con¬tainer into the mouth The color of the leather might suggest which type of philter is inside, while some mark the leather with runes or writing for identification.

Potions are technically ingestible », but without the aid of a spellcaster (assuming uour character isn’t one), most magical potions are beyond the reach of alchemists or herbalist. They can create the chemicals, infusions, and decoctions that will hold the spell energies, but they may not be able to cast the spell* themselves. Thus, the only ones that appear within the Catalog below are those potion* with herbal or alchemical effects instead of the standard magical potions.

Teas and Tisanes come in «null prs about two finger* in diameter, with a clamped-down cork or rubber cover to keep them dry at all times Often loose collection* of dned leaves and herbs, they are best identified by scent Both are useful and their special properties are revealed bv immersing their component herbs into hot (or cold) waters. Tisanes differ from teas in their method of use—while Mime effects can be gained by dnnking an infusion of the herbs and water, tisanes are best used as moist poultices pressed onto area* to be affected or Ьеакчі.

Tinctures (also known as essences) arc concentrated potions of sorts, contained in small viab with droppers in the cap*. One drop of a tincture m the mouth or beneath the tongue is one dose, and tincture vials tend to cam 5-10 (Id6+4) drop each. These magical liquids have a much shorter duration and more limited effect than potions or other ingestibles, but trade more major effects for their portability (vials are often sold on chains and worn as necklace-). Their multiple doses and concentration also make them very expensive Due to their often bitter taste, tincture and essences can be made a bit more pal¬atable bv mixing one dose with ugar and water to create syr¬ups. There is a danger in using tinctures, due to their concen¬trated form —if more than one drop is consumed at a time, a person can overdose (effects are noted under individual tinc¬tures).

Tonics and Antidotes counteract poisons and other ad¬verse alchemical effects. They most often come m ingestible- forms, though there are a few antidote* among other categories for highly specific reasons. Antidote* can be ingestible even it the poisons or effects they counteract are introduced other¬wise Tonics are put in squarish jars or bottle* of translucent black glass or tone, and their stoppers are often carved or shaped as small hands (for antidote vs unguents), shield* (for weapon-imbued poisons), or venous other shapes to suggest the material they combat.

Powders and Dusts. Both of these types are dry, finely -ground substances which elicit their effect once applied The only difference between powders and dusts is that powders tend tn be blown upon their target», while dusts are sprinkled manually Powders are ei¬ther encased in small glass, ceramic, bone. or metal tubes or packed m a small jar with a tube attached to the top. Blowing through either tube gathers and emits the powder in a cone 20 feet long and 10 feet wide at its outermost end Dusts can lie found in wide-mouthed but thin glass jar* and are distributed by- pinches or handfuls onto carefully controlled areas

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